Friday, September 14, 2007

Media Release 14/09/07 - Walkway, Fitting Memorial to Chas Poynter

Wanganui Mayoral candidate John Martin says completion of the riverfront walkway provides a good opportunity to honour Chas Poynter's 27 years service to the city and district. "Since Chas's untimely death last month we have been reminded how seriously he took his responsibilities as guardian of our environment, and how much he wanted all people of Wanganui to be proud of and cherish our river," said Mr Martin. "I'd suggest that council and Iwi consider naming the walkway after Chas.

I'd also like to see the Council make a commitment to complete the work started by Mayor Poynter's council and set out in their 2003 Long Term Plan, which envisioned completion of a walkway from Aramoho to the sea. "Mr Martin said restoring community pride in and enjoyment of the Whanganui River was a key goal of the 2003 plan, which also set out a commitment to continued development of the walkway.

"Chas's council took the big step of starting work on the new sewerage scheme, and that's really the starting point for a new focus on the river for both city and district," said Mr Martin. "I can't think of a better way to honour Chas than to name the walkway for him and to work together to finish the job he started."