As opposed to websites, Blogs are free to set-up and maintain, suiting our budget and the temporary needs of an electoral campaign.
It has come to our attention that recently, 'Vision Wanganui' has set up 2 websites with the exact same content as their official site under the names and ! This may be a coincidence, albeit an unfortunate and unlikely one.
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then PositiveWanganui Blog is flattered. It is telling that this 'flattery' is probably more costly than our valid resource.
We are not interested in hindering voters from finding out information about opponents, to the contrary we encourage it. The democratic process is about voters making an informed decision from a range of candidates.
If you want to find out more about 'Vision', follow the links above, make up your own mind and let them know what you think.
Whatever your decision, the important thing is to VOTE on October 13th 2007 and exercise your democratic right to choose your own representatives in local government.
John Martin and Positive Wanganui Blog encourage your contact and if you have any questions regarding John Martin, the campaign or other issues, please feel free to contact him .
For a list of all candidates for Local Body / District Health Board Elections visit: (Candidate profiles and pictures will be available from the 21st September 2007).