With less than five weeks to go till the local-body elections, for some candidates, the campaign is hotting up.
With more billboards, posters and flyers appearing around our city, the local papers full of ads for candidates, profiles and letters from the public to challenge and question our political aspirants, it is important that we, the voters are lobbyed fairly and democratically.
To this end rules and regulations (http://www.wanganui.govt.nz/AboutCouncil/Election2007.asp) are set in place regarding Local-body elections, overseen by the District Electoral Officer(noeline.moosman@wanganui.govt.nz). This includes publicity deadlines, spending limits for individual candidates and media guidelines. Please feel free to contact the Electoral Officer if you feel any of these guidelines have been contravened by any candidates.
Positive Wanganui looks forward to a clean and fair campaign by all candidates and would like to once again apologise to Mayor Michael Laws for comments made in an earlier post (On the Campaign Trail Week 1) regarding the Vision Campaign's adherence to Electoral guidelines.
Positive Wanganui is pleased to welcome Mayor Michael Laws as a reader of the Positive Wanganui blog.