Aside from his obvious successes in both the Military and in business, Nikki and I are in a unique position as his kids to provide personal references on the “father and family John Martin”.
Dad has always been a great leader and role model – especially for kids and young adults.He was the uncle or mates dad to come to for advice. He has a special way of making people feel at ease and empowered, or, as in my case many times growing up, decidedly uneasy when the time comes for direction.
One of the most essential tools I learned as a kid from my father was that it is infinitely more successful to promote, rather than to degrade people. This applied as much as when we played up as when we were achieving. You knew when the line had been crossed as a kid, but dad would always explained why.
The point is – you always know where you stand, with Dad there is no reading between the lines, or changing moods or opinions with the wind. You get honest, intelligent answers to questions – be it the answer you were looking for or not.