This week Mr Martin stepped up his campaign for the Wanganui mayoralty with two YouTube videos by award-winning Wanganui filmmaker Costas Thrasyvoulou."I've long been a fan of Costas's quirky style," said Mr Martin. "And when he offered to help my campaign I jumped at the chance to show Wanganui voters that local body elections needn't be boring affairs.
"Mr Martin said there were already more than 150 Wanganui-related videos of varying quality on You Tube, but he hadn't seen anything to match the kind of talent that had won 20-year-old film graduate Mr. Thrasyvoulou first place in the 2006 Sarjeant Art Review and 2005 BadHorse Video Awards."Costas has directed and produced two videos for my campaign," said Mr.Martin. "One features me acting the 'good guy' in the kind of quirkyblack and white silent movie style spoof that he specialises in, while the other one is a bit more serious and gives viewers a chance to see and hear me talking about what I'll be doing as mayor."Mr Martin said
17 US presidential hopefuls – Democrats and Republicans– had joined You Tubes 65,000 video uploads per day. "It's the hot new political medium and it's a great way to reach voters of all ages," he said.
To view the videos scroll down to see them featured in individual posts below or click on the sidebar under 'See John Martin' to go direct to Youtube.