Some of you asked for an update on the campaign trail. Well, it’s certainly been another week of it so far.
On Monday after three meetings with residents in various suburbs, Brenda & I attended the Wanganui Lions dinner at the Racecourse Function Centre where I was guest speaker. My address was well received and summed up by a witty member who said, “You can’t possibly become Mayor – you’ve got far too much common sense.”
Tuesday was a full day of one-on-one meetings and finalizing promotional material before a dinner with a rural group that evening. A final run through emails and voice-mails ended the day at 11.50pm.
Wednesday morning was another 5am start responding to emails before leaving home at 6.15am for a Chamber Of Commerce/ Wanganui Inc breakfast meeting to ‘Meet The Mayoral Candidates.’ I was surprised to find I was the only candidate that turned up !
The other candidates can’t have considered our business community to be worth talking to – or perhaps it was just too early in the morning.
From the Meet The Mayoral Candidates meeting I raced off to attend a morning tea fund-raiser for the Cancer Society, which was hosted by Dempsey & Forrest.
I got some good advice from Tom Joll who has a good insight into issues facing Wanganui.
Yesterday required three changes of clothes as we jumped from carrying billboards, collecting posts and stakes to attending meetings and presentations.
*****************************************************************************************************************Gotta run now – first meeting today is with CBD retailers at 8 am.
Have a great week – I am!
John Martin
For a Positive Wanganui
'Positive Wanganui Blog' would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any comments made regarding the Mayor Michael Laws and the Vision Campaign's adherence to the rules set out by the Electoral Officer.