We realise that many people support John and want to get his name and his message out there for the voters to hear.
Here are a couple of ways that you can do this. (For more information or to assist with the campaign in one of these ways email: positivewanganui@gmail.com)
- Word of Mouth - Tell your friends, work colleagues, family and the person in the dairy to vote for a John Martin.
- Go along to your local Public Meeting (Schedule in under 'Meet John Martin") and bring your friends.
- We have posters, flyers and bumper stickers (Produced on goodwill) that you can display and distribute.
- Visit the Blog - This blog is the main resource for information and news about John Martin and the campaign. Spread the word, email the link and keep visiting!
With your support Wanganui will get the 'Right Man for a Change'.