Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Media Release 12/09/07 - Lets Look to the Future

Let's look to the future, Wanganui's rapidly growing debt needs to be brought under control, says Mayoral contender John Martin. "As ratepayers we owe $30 million more than we did just three years ago and unless there's a change of approach, city debt will balloon even further beyond the current $70 million," he said. "It's obvious that a new Council, with a new approach, is needed to tackle this risk to the future well-being of our city." John said there would inevitably be a big impact on people's ability to afford their rates and on the Council's ability to maintain services. "It's time to shift the focus from money-losing events and non-essential but costly 'frills'.

Three years of 'impulse spending' have simply added to our debt without seeing any meaningful investment in basic infrastructure, apart from the sewerage scheme which was well under way under Chas Poynter's council. He said Wanganui had been able to control rates reasonably well in recent years due to the sound decisions made by previous councils to ensure that major projects like storm-water separation were completed on a pay-as-you-go basis. Increased property values had provided additional windfalls in rates take. But it was now time to get debt under control without 'standing still' as a council.

"My first job as mayor will be to lead the development of a genuine strategic plan based on a consensus about where Wanganui wants to be in 15 years. Once we've done that we can map the plan back from there, ensuring that both mandatory and optional projects are achievable. "John, a former international business manager, said development of a strategic vision for the city could only be done by a Council that was prepared to take a long-term view and genuinely wanted to involve people in decisions about a sustainable future rather than short-term 'baubles'.

"The community needs to help develop a long-term plan and understand where and when various projects can be implemented. "We all want to see new amenities and attractions for Wanganui so it is important that these are part of a realistic plan and can be delivered without denying essential infrastructure programmes."