Three years ago, Wanganui was experiencing a new momentum.
It had taken longer to reach us than it had our neighbours in Taranaki and Manawatu, but houses were selling strongly, businesses were relocating and international visitor numbers were growing as both arts and river based tourism product increased.
Wanganui was ready to make the most of the benefits this momentum would bring. Three years ago Wanganui was also ready for a change in leadership style. Maybe the choice Wanganui made then was the right one for that time.
But I urge you, if you have not yet been able to decide what is best for our future, please think
carefully about your choice for the right Mayor to take us forward. I agree there are positive aspects of the changes that have taken place over the last three years and I agree they need to continue. And as a long-time promoter of all that’s good about this place we call home, I absolutely agree we need to keep up the momentum. But, at the same time I also believe …
This time we need a Mayor who guides, not divides
This time we need a Mayor who respects the views of the independent councillors we elect to serve us
This time we need a Mayor who understands the style of collaborative leadership needed to face
the environmental challenges of the future
This time we need a Mayor who values the cultural diversity of thecommunity he leads and treats all residents with equal respect
And most importantly we need a Mayor who is a full time ambassador for our district…
who represents us in a way we can be proud of… who fulfils our expectations of his position…
who will be alongside us as we celebrate all that is Wanganui… and who will ensure our relationships with other agencies are healthy, respectful and productive.
It is my honest opinion there is only one person we can rely on todo this for us.
And it is my view that for Wanganui’s sake, this time, the right person for Mayor is John Martin.
Annette Main (Horizons Councillor, local businesswoman and River Traders Market founder)